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4 Ways to Boost Your Local Search Ranking Using SEO Keywords

As an entrepreneur, having a well-established and maintained website can help engage more customers and increase sales. So how does one ensure that their website appears at the top of local search ranking? This is where SEO keywords will save the day! According to research, 70% of web traffic comes from long-tail SEO keywords. Here are four ways to improve your website’s local search ranking with keywords:

1.   Use Location-Specific SEO Keywords to Optimize Local Search

If you own a well-established business, which is widespread over the country or city, using location-specific SEO keywords can help in improving your local search ranking. When writing content for your location stores, remember to use SEO keywords that include the location, for example, the city name or street name such as Ohio or Columbus.

So, in case your consumers will search for “automotive shop in Columbus, Ohio,” there is a high chance that your business page will appear in top local searches. Also, this will help people in identifying your multi-location business stores.

2.   Research the Most Popular SEO Keywords for Your Industry

When it comes to opting for the right SEO keywords, make sure to use the ones that best describe your brand. For instance, if you own an automotive business in Columbus, Ohio. You can use your store’s name, automotive business, Ohio, and Columbus as primary SEO keywords.

However, if you want to boost your brand’s local search ranking, do comprehensive research and incorporate keywords that everyone (normal people) use to search for similar products or services on Google.

On the flip side, this doesn’t mean that you simply reuse the most searched keyword in your website’s content several times and expect top-tier results. Otherwise known as “keyword stuffing,” note that Google will penalize your business if they catch you in the act. Therefore, it is advised to research inter-related (secondary) SEO keywords and use them along with your primary SEO keywords to boost your website’s ranking.

Online tools that can help you with researching SEO keywords are Ubersuggest and Keyword Tool.

3.   Use SEO Keywords to Optimize for Voice Search

According to research, 40% of the searches on search engines are now voice-based. Not only this, but roughly every one in four adults use smart speakers like Amazon Echo for their daily activities. Therefore, along with digital content, optimizing your business’s voice search is essential to improve your local search ranking for the present and the future. An easy way to do this is by using long-tail SEO keywords. Though they might seem a bit odd, using long-tail SEO keywords instead of short ones will help improve your local search rankings organically. Here is the difference:

Keyword: “automotive business”

Long-tail keywords: automotive business in Columbus, Ohio

Long-tail SEO keywords are more specific and natural. In the case of voice searches, people tend to use natural language compared to properly stated SEO keywords. Therefore, when you use long-tail SEO keywords, your chances of appearing on top of the local search results are higher. However, just make sure that when incorporated, long-tail SEO keywords look natural and that it doesn’t make your content appear spammy.

4.   Revamp Old Content with SEO Keywords

According to research revamping your old content using specific SEO keywords can increase your website traffic by 50%. Therefore, whether you are creating a new social media marketing strategy or upgrading your old one, using relevant SEO keywords in descriptions, titles and posts will help in optimizing your content.

Wrapping It Up

The digital world is competitive! Therefore, if you don’t have a strong enough online presence to show up in customers’ local search, there’s a high chance that prospective consumers might choose your competitors over your brand, even if you have a great website and products/services. To sum it all up, when it comes to local searchrankings, SEO keywords are not an option but a compulsion. If you still haven’t started using them, use trending SEO keywords to optimize your local search ranking and reach out to new customers right away!



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